Is there a Du`a (supplication) to be said when doing Ghusl (ritual bathing)?
There is no specific Du`a for Ghusl that is narrated in the Sunnah (prophetic teachings), but the majority of jurists regarded it as desirable to say Bismillah (in the name of Allah) when beginning Ghusl , as is also the case with regard to Wudu (ablution), although there is no specific evidence for that with regard to Ghusl.
Al-Mardawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
“It should be noted that the ruling on saying Bismillah when doing Ghusl, as is done when doing Wudu, is a matter concerning which there is a difference of opinion. End quote from Al-Insaf.”
It has previously been explained that the more correct opinion is that it is recommended to say Bismillah when doing Wudu and Ghusl.
And Allah knows best.